Role of Demographics and Generations on Consumer Ethnocentrism of Turkish Immigrants in Germany


  • Elif Eroglu Hall Anadolu University
  • Nurdan Sevim Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University



Consumer ethnocentrism, demographics, generation, Germany, Turkish ımmigrants.


This paper investigates ethnocentric behavior among consumers who have migrated to a foreign country i.e. Turkish immigrants in Germany. Using questionnaire survey, a total of 599 people sample from Cologne, Germany is used in this study. In order to test the relationship five variables were examined- respondent’s gender, age, education level, income, and generation. Using a causative research model results demonstrate that there is meaningful relationships between consumer ethnocentrism and the demographics and generations of the consumers. Moreover, the first generation, older immigrants living in Germany, who received education in Turkey and low income level, have higher ethnocentrism tendencies.

Author Biographies

  • Elif Eroglu Hall, Anadolu University
    Asst. Prof. Dr. (PH.D)
  • Nurdan Sevim, Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University
    Asst. Prof. Dr. (PH.D)


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