Leadership and the Church: The Impact of Shifting Leadership Constructs


  • Douglas Gautsch Lebanon Valley College
  • David Mathias Setley Lebanon Valley College




Charismatic leadership, church leadership, leadership case study, transformational leadership.


The idea of leadership has been examined for millennia. Examples of leadership in action go back to Moses from the Bible and Xenophón from Greek history.  One of the key theories in early leadership is that of charismatic leadership. Although most scholars agree that a key concept of charismatic leadership is that of follower attribution, defining boundaries for charismatic is as difficult as defining leadership itself. This difficulty is accentuated in this work because of the shifting organizational structures and follower perceptions. The case details follower attributed charismatic leadership traits, and then provides a robust discussion on the impact of shifting organizational constructs.

Author Biographies

  • Douglas Gautsch, Lebanon Valley College
    Assistant Professor Department of Business and Economics
  • David Mathias Setley, Lebanon Valley College
    Associate Professor and Chairperson Department of Business and Economics


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