Surveying Data on Consumer Green Purchasing Intention: A Case in New Zealand


  • Yun-Chin Paya Hsu Massey University, New Zealand.
  • Fiona Chan Massey University



Common method variance, green marketing, marketing research.


Many people have expressed their environmental concerns, and agreed that immediate actions should be taken for the environment. However, only few of them would always make their purchasing decision based on their environmental concerns. Grounded in the theory of Planned Behavior, the aim of this research was to examine the discrepancy between New Zealand consumers’ environmental concerns and intentions to purchase energy-saving light bulbs. The study employed a cross-sectional consumer survey (between late 2011 to early 2012) for data collection (N=313), and the structural equation modelling for model testing. Further, the study also took precautions during the questionnaire design stage to minimize potential common method bias, and examined the common method variance in the data before testing the model. All indicators in this research were reflective to their representing constructs. Results of the analysis confirmed that consumers’ attitudinal affections and beliefs towards the purchasing behavior, self-identity, and past purchasing behavior had positive influence on their purchasing intentions.

Author Biographies

  • Yun-Chin Paya Hsu, Massey University, New Zealand.

    School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing

    Massey University

  • Fiona Chan, Massey University

    School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing

    Massey University


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