The Cuban Scenario 25 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall


  • Onesimo Julian Moreira Seijos UNIVERSITY OF QUINTANA ROO Boulevard Bahia, Esq. Ignacio Comonfort Cheumal, Quintana Roo MEXICO 77019



Castro, communism, Cuba, Cuban revolution, PCC, reforms.


This paper examines the situation in Cuba after 25 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Cuban political system has prevailed despite predictions foresaw its imminent end since the soviet-like socialism crumbled in East Europe and then in the USSR itself. Although the end of the cold war led to profound adjustments in the international system, the Cuban model remained almost unchanged; however, a Cuban repaired communism emerged in the nineties. Dollarization of the economy and permission for foreign investment affected the ideological purity as the main basis of the system persisted untouched. Nevertheless, since Raul Castro took over power from his brother Fidel in 2006 expectations for reform have increased. In fact, in 2011 the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party was held and some reforms have been implemented ever since. The paper focuses on the scope of those reforms as there are still many open questions about the future of the Cuban society.


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