Time Management and Its Relation To Students’ Stress, Gender and Academic Achievement Among Sample of Students at Al Ain University of Science and Technology, UAE


  • Ahmad Saleh Al Khatib Instructor, College of Business Admisnitration, Al Ain University of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates, Email: ahmed.alkhatib@aau.ac.ae




Keywords, Time management, Perceived Stress, Academic Achievement, College Students.


The objective of the present study was to investigate the relationship between time management, perceived stress, gender and academic achievement among United Arab Emirates college students. The respondents were 352 college students from Al Ain University of Science and Technology. The sample was stratified by sex. Among the respondents, 52.5% were female students and 47.5% were male students. The mean age of the sample was 23.4 years ranging from 18 to 39. Time management was measured by Time Management Questionnaire” developed by Britton and Tesser (1991), while perceived stress was measured by The Perceived Stress Scale developed by Cohen (1985). The findings of the study showed that there was statistically significant negative relationship between time management and perceived stress.

Females reported higher time management compared to their males counter mates. Higher time management and lower perceived stress were associated with high levels of academic achievement. However, time management was the most significant predictor of academic achievement accounting for 26 % of the variance while perceived stress accounted for an additional 11.2% of the variance in academic achievement. All three predictors explained 29.4% (R = .543) of total variance. The implications and limitations are reviewed as are the suggestions for future research.  

Keywords: Time management, perceived stress, academic achievement, college students.


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