Female Employment in Military Industrial Complex Enterprises of Post-Soviet Russia


  • Oxana A. Demchenkova National Research University Higher School of Economics




military-industrial complex enterprise, female employment, categories of employees, dismissal, discrimination


Reforms in Russian industry caused by disintegration of the USSR had a strong negative effect on military-industrial complex. Pre-reform Russian economy possessed a powerful efficient system of high-tech industries with defense industry being a core of the system in view of the government tasks which defense industry should effectively respond to. The defense industry accumulated elite of the labor force, highly skilled and educated workers. Socioeconomic and political transformation in Russian society resulted in significant qualitative and quantitative changes in human capital of military-industrial complex. The number of employees was cut down. Highly skilled workers turned out to be unemployed. In tough competition for working places caused by contraction of industrial production women turned out to be in the most vulnerable position.

In this article results of the survey and documents analysis conducted by the author are looked at with gender perspective. The aim is to identify the basic trends in female employment in military-industrial complex of post-Soviet Russia. Job security, level of wages and managerial career chances for women are considered.

Author Biography

  • Oxana A. Demchenkova, National Research University Higher School of Economics


    Associate professor

    Department of Foreign Languages

    Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs


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