The Effects of Cosmopolitanism on Consumer Ethnocentrism, Brand Origin Identification and Foreign Product Purchases


  • Oliver Parts associate professor, Tallinn University of Technology



cosmopolitanism, brand origin identification, foreign product purchases, Estonia, Slovenia


Current research paper examines cosmopolitanism as a factor underlying consumer decisions to purchase foreign rather than domestic products in three categories of products: alcohol, clothes and furniture. In conceptual model two other theoretical constructs for measuring foreign product purchases are included. These are consumer ethnocentrism and brand origin identification. The measurement model is examined using a data set of 271 and 261 adult consumers inEstoniaandSlovenia. Data is tested via structural equation modeling. The study results confirm the strong and direct effect of consumer cosmopolitanism in foreign product purchases and brand origin identification is confirmed as a mediating variable between consumer ethnocentrism and foreign product purchases. On the other hand, direct relationship between cosmopolitanism and brand origin identification is not supported by conducted study.

Author Biography

  • Oliver Parts, associate professor, Tallinn University of Technology
    department of marketing


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