How do health, social connections, housing, life values and trust matter for economic well-being – A path analysis of Abu Dhabi households
Economic well-being, quality of life, path analysis, Abu DhabiAbstract
Given the importance and prevalence of well-being research, this study aimed to investigate the relationships between economic well-being and various other well-being factors and associates, including housing satisfaction, subjective health, social connections, feelings of security, life values, and trust in public services, using a path analytic model. We used 40,796 household cases from the second Abu Dhabi Quality of Life Survey conducted in 2019-2020. The data were analyzed using LISREL version 8.8 and SPSS version 19.0. The final path analysis model provided excellent fit-measurement statistics, indicating significant direct associations of all variables with job satisfaction. The model also portrayed indirect associations of subjective health, social connection, and housing satisfaction with job satisfaction with the mediation of income satisfaction. Income satisfaction was significantly associated with subjective health, social connection, and housing satisfaction. Contrary to other factors, personal values negatively affect job satisfaction. Research findings and limitations were discussed in light of international and local literature.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hamad Aldhaheri, Masood Badri, Mugheer Alkhaili, Guang Yang, Saad Yaaqeib, Muna Albahar, Asma Alrashdi

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