Working in Solidarity Promotes Work Engagement through Work-Related Self-Efficacy
Occupational self-efficacy, interpersonal solidarity at work, engagement at work, interpersonal relationship, the community at work, university administrative staffAbstract
Interpersonal solidarity among members is an important element for the success and smooth operation of any work organisation. However, there is a dearth of research connecting interpersonal solidarity to work-related self-efficacy, and engagement at work. The present study investigated occupational self-efficacy as an intervening mechanism through which interpersonal solidarity could influence work engagement of 179 administrative staff of public universities in Southern Ghana in a cross-sectional survey. The data were analysed with the Hayes Process model for SPSS. The results indicated that interpersonal solidarity predicted both occupational self-efficacy and work engagement. The relationship between interpersonal solidarity and occupational self-efficacy was stronger than that between interpersonal solidarity and work engagement. Finally, occupational self-efficacy significantly mediated the relationship between interpersonal solidarity and work engagement. The paper concluded that interpersonal solidarity and occupational self-efficacy are important elements in individuals’ work engagement. Also, the paper demonstrates the relevance of occupational self-efficacy as a mechanism through which interpersonal solidarity could influence engagement at work. The findings were discussed in the light of the job-demand resource model and the social cognitive theory, and recommendations were proffered for practice and further research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lebbaeus Asamani, Eugene Yaw Milledzi, Georgina Nyantekyiwaa Boampong, Miriam Danso-Mensah, Daniel Yeboah Mensah, Kweku Arhin, Victoria Naamwanuru

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