Risk management, Agility, Collaboration, IntegrationAbstract
Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firms in Kenya have been exposed to supply chain vulnerability, which has led to uncertainty in matching demand and supply of their products. Supply chain resilience enables Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firms to manage disruptions. As a result, this study focused on examining the influence of supply chain resilience practices on the performance of Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. The study adopted cross-sectional survey design using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The target population was 102 Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi City County and the sample size of the study was 50 Firms. Data was collected using questionnaires. Qualitative and quantitative data was coded and entered in SPSS Version 24 for analysis. A pilot study was conducted. Descriptive statistics were generated. Inferential statistics using linear regression and correlation analysis was carried out. The results were presented using tables and graphs. The study findings indicated that, supply chain risk management, agility, supply chain collaboration and supply chain integration significantly influence the performance of Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firms in Kenya. Food and Beverages Manufacturing Firms should embrace supply chain risk management, agility, supply chain collaboration and supply chain integration as supply chain resilience practices.
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