Influence of supply chain integration practices on the performance of manufacturing firms in kenya A case of kenya breweries limited





Technology Integration, Supplier Integration, Internal Operations Integration, Customer Integration


The implementation of Supply Chain Integration is low in the Kenyan economy especially the manufacturing, health and banking sectors. This study focused on determining the influence of supply chain integration practices on the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. Mixed research design was used for the study thus both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. The Study population consisted of the professional employees working at the top, middle and lower level of the management i.e heads of sections, technologists, technicians and clerks of Kenya Breweries Limited in Nairobi. The target population included 528 employees and the sample size of the study was 85 respondents. Stratified sampling technique was used to determine the specific sample size of each strata of the study. Data was obtained through questionnaire. Data analysis was done through SPSS Version 24 and the analyzed data was presented in form of tables. The study found that technology integration, internal operations integration and customer integration significantly influence the performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya. However, the results revealed that supplier integration had negative influence the performance of KBL. The management should consider freezing the financial, and other resources they use to invest into supplier integration and make an alternative use of them.

Author Biographies



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