Influence of Shelf Space Arrangement on Buying Behavior


  • Md. Farhan Faruqui Assistant Professor, East West University Bangladesh
  • Fabliha Tasnim Hride



shelf space, retail store, shelf display, shelf position and product assortment, buying behavior.


Background and purpose: In the retail industry shelf space competition are common phenomena from many decades. Shelves are organized very attractively with many offers and variety of option choices. The purpose of the study to analyze shelf space influence on consumer buying behavior in the retail store.

Methods: 171 samples were taken by using multi-stage cluster sampling and systematic random sampling from Bangladesh. Three independent variables; shelf display, shelf position and product assortment were used to measure consumer buying behavior. Regression analysis, ANOVA, Tukey HSD, K-means clustering were used to analyze data.  

Findings: shelf display, shelf position and product assortment all are significantly influence on buying behavior. Respondents can be divided into three cluster group in terms of their buying behavior.

Conclusion: Retailers need to create more attention on shelf arrangement because consumers are highly influenced by shelf decoration, layout, and style.


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