Assessment of Undergraduate Accounting and Finance Education in Ethiopia


  • Deresse Mersha Lakew Jimma University
  • Mohammed Getahun Musa



Accounting and Finance, Curriculum, Ethiopia, University Education


Undergraduate accounting education was started in Ethiopia at Addis Ababa University in 1962. The main objectives of this study is to examine the change in curriculum and the development of university undergraduate accounting and finance education in terms of enrollment and geographical distribution in the country. The study mainly depends on secondary data obtained from Ministry of education and Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency. The finding of the study showed that there is a shift towards more technical accounting and finance courses at the expense of general and supportive course each time the curriculum is revised. Further, enrollment in to accounting and finance program and the geographical distributions is increasing at alarming rate under regular, evening and distance modalities with very loss quality control. The researchers recommend HERQA has to strengthen its control system and Exist exam should be introduced to bring all bachelor degree graduate in all higher institutions in the country to the same level.

Author Biography

  • Deresse Mersha Lakew, Jimma University

    Assistance Professor

    Departmnet of Accounting and Finance


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