A Conceptual Framework for Upgrading Safety Performance by Influence Safety Training, Management Commitment to Safety and Work Environment: Jordanian Hospitals


  • Abdallah Mohammad Ashour Universiti Utara Malaysia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3027-3160
  • Zuraida Hassan School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Jamal Mohammed Esmail Alekam School of Business Management, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia




Management Commitment to Safety, Safety Performance, Safety Training, Work Environment.


Workplace safety is vital for the continuous operation, survival and optimal functionality of organizations (James & Zoller, 2017; Kabir, Watson, & Somaratna, 2018), especially in developing countries such as Jordan. Indeed, safety at workplaces, worksites and across various organizational structures is critical to the overall performance and existence of organizations including those in healthcare (Beus, Dhanani, & McCord, 2015). Scholars, industry practitioners, and relevant stakeholders have both acknowledged and underscored the need for improved safety performance indicators in organizations and related work-settings (Cornelissen, Van Hoof, & De Jong, 2017; Dababneh, Fouad, Jaleel, & Majeed, 2018; Mullen, Kelloway, & Teed, 2017). To serve this objective, this paper develops a conceptual framework of safety performance based on the social exchange theory (SET). The main aim of this study is to create a framework for examining the causal links between safety training, management commitment to safety, and the work environment with the level of safety in the Jordanian healthcare context. Accordingly, this study presents a framework that considers safety training and management commitment to safety as important dimensions of safety management practices.

Author Biography

  • Abdallah Mohammad Ashour, Universiti Utara Malaysia

    PhD Scholar

    School of Business Management

    Universiti Utara Malaysia


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