Perceived Vulnerability in Consumer Ethnocentrism


  • Jorge A Wise CETYS Universidad



Consumer ethnocentrism, perceived vulnerability, domestic products, consumer preference, Mexico


This research establishes that the consumers perceived vulnerability to a threat is a relevant variable that modifies the preference for domestic origin products. Many times, consumers balance their personal well-being with their sense of in-group identity, particularly when their preference for domestic products above foreign ones is expected. This study demonstrates that perceived vulnerability to a threat such as damaging one’s personal well-being is a relevant factor when consumers express their preference for domestic products.

Author Biography

  • Jorge A Wise, CETYS Universidad

    Professor of Marketing and International Business
    CETYS Graduate School of Business, CETYS Universidad
    Calz. CETYS s/n, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico C.P. 21259
    Tel: +52(686) 567-3700 ext. 1314, Celular: (686) 216-9510,


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