A Comparison of the Academic Achievement of Home School and Public School Students


  • Lyn Boulter Catawba College




Education Attainment, Education System, K12 Learning, Schooling.


This study added to existing data on home school effectiveness by comparing the academic achievement of 66 home school students with 66 of their grade-level peers in traditional public schools. The two groups of students were matched on gender, race, and grade level and were administered the Woodcock-Johnson Psychoeducational Battery III. No significant difference in overall academic achievement was found between the groups.  Both home school and public school students had average or above average scores in reading, math, written language, and broad knowledge (science, social studies, and humanities).  The results further revealed a downward trend in math, reading and broad knowledge scores with increasing grade level. This trend suggests that home school and public school students experience a “developmental mismatch” between the changes that occur in adolescence and their school/home experiences, resulting in lower motivation, confidence, and academic performance.

Author Biography

  • Lyn Boulter, Catawba College
    Professor Emerita, Department of Psychology


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