Exploring Customer Purchasing Intention over Online Store


  • Behrang Samadi Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Malaysia
  • Kae Tran My Loan Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation, (APU), Malaysia
  • Benjamin Chan Yin Fah Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Malaysia Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Economics of Ageing (CSEA), APU, Malaysia




Customer satisfaction, purchase intention, online shopping.


This study aims to examine the correlation among perceived benefits, perceived risks and perceived website quality towards online purchasing intention with one of the online store in Singapore. This study used online questionnaire survey to collect 180 completed responses of male and female Singaporean aged 20 and above. The findings showed that there was a significant correlation between perceived benefits, perceived website quality and online purchasing intention while there was no significant correlation between perceived risks and online purchasing intention. Implication and limitation of this study also discussed.


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